A huge cone of water, heaps of earth, salt, beds of moss and sand, pictures of wasabi, cocoa and beeswax, mushrooms scattered over the walls, giant poppies and much more besides all await you at the new sensorial exhibition hosted at the Villa e Collezione Panza, Varese, by the FAI – Fondo Ambiente Italiano.
Natura naturans. Roxy Paine and Meg Webster (Works from 1982 to 2015), a joint show of work by two American artists of different approaches and generations with opposite points of departure but the same idea of nature as a continuous cycle of growth and transformation.
Twenty-eight site-specific works and installations from major institutions and collections offer you a unique, all-encompassing experience involving all the senses.
The exbition Natura naturans is open every day from Tuesday until Sunday from 10 a.m. until 6 p.m. Special price for FAI members.
FAI - Fondo Ambiente Italiano©. Via Foldi, 2 - 20135 Milano. Tel. 02 4676151 Fax 02 48193631 P.I.: 04358650150. E-mail: internet@fondoambiente.it
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