One protects what one loves, and one loves what one knows: this is the motto that is leading the Foundationt since 1975. FAI mission is the safeguard of special Italian places, the promotion of education, love and knowledge of art and nature, and defense of Italian cultural and environmental sites.
Subscribing means not only doing an actual action to improve Italy; it represents also the opportunity to visit the exhibition Natura naturans and to enjoy for one year the beauty of Villa Panza and of its garden by saving more than 50% of the entrance fee.
Other advantages for you. FAI – Fondo per l’Ambiente Italiano takes care of 52 sites in Italy, among which 30 are open to the public: parks, bays, woods, castles, villas, monasteries, abbeys that you can visit whenever you like thanks to your Member Card. Moreover, you can benefit of over 900 agreements with cultural organizations that will allow to save money for exhibitions, museums, theatre performances, concerts, parks and much more.
FAI - Fondo Ambiente Italiano©. Via Foldi, 2 - 20135 Milano. Tel. 02 4676151 Fax 02 48193631 P.I.: 04358650150. E-mail:
Fondazione senza scopo di lucro. Riconosciuta con DPR 941 del 3.12.1975 Reg. Persone Giuridiche Prefettura MI n.86 - C.F. 80102030154 - PEC: